Join us on Tuesday 21 June to hear Helen Allinson talk about the History of Hollingbourne. The talk starts at 7.30 but, if you have photos, info to share, Helen will be there from 7pm. There will be no WI meeting but info will will be in the WI Newsletter

Saturday 5 September 2015


This is a post script to our earlier post of  'A Busy July' showing
Hollingbourne's naked Calendar Girl on display at Lullingstone Castle.
Having not been able to visit on the Special Day, I managed a visit around 4 weeks later.
It may not be apparent from the photograph but the post on which she was displayed had fallen to one side and she definately looked  'a fallen woman'  especially as the glue on the flower garlands had given way and rather more of her figure was on display than intended 

We had thought we would be the only ones using a naked lady, but not by any means -the one above showed two ladies, one on the left with rather big 'buns' and her companion sitting behind her was in full Victorian dress.

This was another two part design, the lady with the large sunflower was wearing only an apron,and her companion behind was again in demure dress - each with a picnic related to their age.
 This energetic member was no worse for wear in the 4 weeks, and looked ready for a jog.
 A happy WI Member

A flappy WI Member

 a School Mistress W I Member

and finally this rather lovely Suffragette WI Member.

There were so many more, and well worth the effort to make and to see.