Join us on Tuesday 21 June to hear Helen Allinson talk about the History of Hollingbourne. The talk starts at 7.30 but, if you have photos, info to share, Helen will be there from 7pm. There will be no WI meeting but info will will be in the WI Newsletter

Monday 27 December 2010

Joe Carpenter & Son - An English Nativity

Just Before Christmas 2010, Keith Harris directed GRAHAM CLARKE's nativity in Hollingbourne Church, with a cast of 'thousands' The WI served Mulled wine and mince pies.

The Angels were Angelic

David Absom told the 2000 year old tale

Mary and Joseph and the Babe recreated the wonder.

The Wise Men spoke in strange tones, to make themselves appear Wise
and the Cast of Thousands and the audience enjoyed themselves
including Ex Rev Norman in his new Career of Gabriel ( A Postman Extraordinary)
Happy New Year to you all