Join us on Tuesday 21 June to hear Helen Allinson talk about the History of Hollingbourne. The talk starts at 7.30 but, if you have photos, info to share, Helen will be there from 7pm. There will be no WI meeting but info will will be in the WI Newsletter

Friday 27 May 2011

President/Resolutions/Twenty Questions

June was the time to Elect our PRESIDENT for the year, from the members who were willing to serve on the Committee. We have two new committee members, Sue Woodhouse and Rita Moon - we welcome them both and thank them in anticipation of their input.
There was a democratic Vote on paper for President - Three names were put forward, but only one agreed to stand and Val Willliams was re-elected.

National Resolutions - This year there were two subjects to discuss - for and against.
1. Support for Local Libraries - After discussion it was generally felt that one could not vote against the idea of this resolution, but that as with most things Funding was the key
2. Mega Farms -
The resolution was that HM Govenment should not grant planning for 'Mega farms'. There was animated discussion from members with farming backgrounds as well as those who saw the need to provide increased in food production to ensure there was sufficient food for the increasing world population. The vote showed a majority for this resolution

Every institute will have a vote on these two in June at the National AGM. and the result will then become a mandate for future action.

Then came our game of 20 QUESTIONS. -
Four members asked us to guess something significant from their past

The first Member has made a cup of tea for Fred Dibnah (Steeplejack) in his own home

The second while on holiday in Kenya, had woken during the night to a call of nature,
and after visiting the outside long drop latrine, had found a Hippo barring her return to the tent. She had to spend 2 hours confined to the latrine!!!

The third had a sporting memory - that of having sat next to Mick Jagger while watching a cricket match at Lords.
Finally, our fourth member had made bouquets for Princess Anne on many occasions.

A lot of fun was had, but needless to say we did not guess any of them. I wonder what else people have been hiding from their backgrounds? We may have more of these in the future.