A great evening with 11 tables and lots of fun. Alverston Green were the winners and the Loose WI sadly the wooden spoon winners.
The contestants start to arrive and settle themselves in.
Joyce selling raffle tickets.
And the raffle prizes.
Each table of the eleven table was allocated a name of a plant.
The food platters waiting to be served to each of the tables.
The scorers Mary and Hilary
And the quiz prizes. Wine for the winners & wooden spoons for the losers.
The creative category. Tables were provided with aluminium foil and newspaper. The intention was for each group to make an outfit for one of its team members. The hilarious results can be seen below...
Jane reading one of the props!
The scores are totalled.
Wine for the winners (Alverston Green).
And wooden spoons for the losers (Loose WI).