With 44 stalls on the map, plus a few late comers, this year's Safari promised much!
The weather also provided much - sun, rain, cloud, more rain, sun, more rain, but finally it cleared up at 3pm.- our finishing time, but just right for the Meadows Garden Party which started at 3.
There were stalls that grew and grew.
Stalls with great PR, which were determined to make themselves known,
even if they were 50 yards back from the main road
There were all kinds of fabulous tents - one was not enough
and two more
In the Cardwell Pavilion Joyce Walker was cooking up tasty filled rolls - sausage or bacon. She roped in her daughter and her granddaughter to help and our thanks go to them.
The tea-makers, Hilary, Joyce, Jane, Rita and Janice provided a much needed service.
This year we staged an Art Display/Sale with exhibits from village and
Institute Members. Sylvia Snowdon's husband George brought along
some lovely examples of his watercolours.
Madginford WI provided a mouthwatering display of cakes in a Gazebo on the field, but when the rain came down retreated to the Pavilion.
They again found shelter on the Pavilion's verandah.
The competition for the most visited stalls, was won by Ruby Jeffrey. Continuing the art theme, each stall had a picture of ' An Old Master' which the competitor had to note, and the prize was a JigSaw of THE MONA LISA.