HAND BELLS - by then end of the week ,it seemed to the rest of us that they had mastered their craft, and gave a fantastic performance
PHOTOSHOP - by the end of their week, they had learned how to enhance ancient pictures; made black and white pictures into coloured ones; made pictures more perfect by removing unwanted telegraph poles or even unwanted people. In fact, they will never believe any picture in future!
Two courses enable people to get out and about -
with Shakespeare Country the Tutor gave illustrated lectures on the countryside, history and architecture of this beautiful shire county with trips that included Stratford on Avon and Warwick Castle.
Those who chose 'Autumn Getaway' had exercise , healthy eating and stress management, as well as talks on posture, healthy management and stress management plus two rambles on the Ridgeway and alongside the Thames. Line and country dancing , relaxation and Massage completed the course.
We had plenty of space to work , and to spread the equipment we had brought with us. - Sewing machine, scissors, and as many scraps of different coloured fabrics as we could bring with us.
We started with a 'simple'project - Primroses. We were given the pattern, the fabrics, the glue, and any cottons we wanted.
We cut the first petals out tentatively, a) the cut petals , and other shapes were stuck with glue to the hessian.
b) these were zigzaged very roughly to the hessian.
c) we hand stitched(large needle, large stitches)
d) we machine stitched (without machine foot, with gold thread)
and all of a sudden we had finished.
2 people were still working theirs when this photo was taken - We were very pleased with the results, and with a mount and a frame they will be worth a small fortune!
This project continued throughout the course, but in addition on day two we started our own individual masterpieces.
This one was started by a Bearsted and Thurnhan Member and may not look much like the picture on the left, but that is where the inspiration came from.
Wavy strips of fabric in sand and water colours were stuck and sewn across the hessian. The hope is that the largest seagull is to be a gleaming bird in whites greys and silvers- we shall see.
In this lovely example by a member from Stockbury , the background is made up of small scraps of odd shaped fabrics which will be machine, and hand stitched. The Insect is still 'work in progress' and already gleams far more than is apparent from the picture.
In the next year we are hoping to run a District Collage course using Richard Box's methods, packs of patterns and fabrics, and his DVD, if you might be interested please ring Margaret Weaver on 01622 880497
DENMAN is open all year , any one can take advantage of the numerous courses available and you don't even have to be a member( though non members will have to pay slightly more.) Husbands can join in some of the courses, and you will find information at http://www.thewi.org.uk/ click on Denman. - YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE VARIETY OF COURSES AVAILABLE - from one day to 5 days.
If you are reluctant to go on your own, it is hoped to arranged another West Kent study trip in two years time, and Mary Clarke of Stockbury WI is the West Kent Representative to contact.