Ruth Bond introduced herself to us,she is a very nice person - capable, hardworking and knowledgeable, but she seems to be 'one of us' and is not in any way a 'toff'
She told us that the Membership had risen to 207,000. with an increase of 18,641 in the last year.She said that the WI was an itch which would not go away - ENJOY IT.
We heard from the National Treasurer, with the good news that the VAT Office had refunded £1.4 million to the WI being part of the VAT on subscriptions over the last 37 years(with interest)
THE RESOLUTION. - This meeting urges HM Govenment to introduced Clear and Mandatory labelling of food with true country of origin.
The Institute moving this resolution said that this was a resolution about Truth or Lack of Truth. At present producers can legally mis-inform us, and this must be changed, so that where the animal originated was clearly marked,and Not the place it was last processed.After interesting comment from the floor, the voting was
6273 Institutes For,---55 Institutes against.and it was therefore carried, and the work necessary to present this to the Government will be carried out.
We were brought up to date on the progress of previous resolutions, current Campaigns and Denman College.