10th May 10.30am - DISTRICT WALK Hook and Hatchet Car Park, Hucking
Bring your Walking Boots, dogs and partners for a 3 mile walk on the flat with no stiles, and then repair to the Pub for what ever takes your fancy.
Ring Janette Carlton on 01622 738148 if you have any queries
18th May 7.30 HOLLINGBOURNE WI MEETING at the Village Hall.
We start with a short information talk about HI Kent - (for the Hearing Impaired) which will continue as a Hearing Aid workshop in the Committee room
Then our Annual Meeting when we will elect a new Committee, and President. and finally we shall discuss our NATIONAL RESOLUTION on the Mandatory Clear and accurate labeling of food with the Country of Origin.
Please come along if you are interested, you might enjoy it, and we should be glad to see you.